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During the summer semester of 2016, I attended the Intermediate Composition Honors Seminar along with primarily medical, engineering, and design students. I expected it to be a typical English and writing class, but was instead pleased to find that the subject matter of my deliverables would be within my major of Industrial Design. I wrote papers that proved my academic literacy in topics that are highly regarded in my field, such as 3D CAD modeling and human factors. I finished up the course with a presentation to my classmates about a semester-long Industrial Design project that had involved 3D modeling with Autodesk’s Fusion 360 software. I was able to explain the difference between parametric and t-spline modeling strategies through an illustrative demonstration involving clay, Legos, and accompanying images of my work.


This seminar taught me how to seek out credible academic sources for my learning and research. By reflecting on a past learning experience for the literacy narrative paper, I was able to pinpoint the way in which I acquire skills best and how I can apply this knowledge and environmental literacy from one field of study to another. I also learned a great deal about mobile app programming, rodent dissections, ballet performances, and transportation design from listening to the presentations given by my classmates and reading their papers during peer critiques.


I am more prepared to engage in academic discourse related to Industrial Design because of the activities of this course. I studied specialized terms used in my major that I can now speak knowledgeably about during interviews and critiques. In the future, I can increase my knowledge retention by seeking out activities to supplement my learning since I am a hands-on learner.


The essay combines a narrative about my work and learning experience at a local handicapped home with a reflective analysis of the skills I acquired during my time there and how I picked them up. It showcases the environmental and cultural literacy that I gained and how I will be able to use this learning in my future as an industrial designer.


The presentation is a flip book of images of my process work for an industrial design project. It shows the step by step transition of a simple sketch into a foam model, into CAD geometry in Autodesk's Fusion 360 software, into an aesthetic plastic prototype, and finally into portfolio-worthy renders of my own electric hand mixer design. 


The Discourse Analysis paper (along with the presentation explained above) is my final deliverable for the Intermediate Composition class. It proves my literacy in the field of industrial design and, more specifically, Autodesk's Fusion 360 modeling software. I catalogued my learning and use of the software, showed my ability to find academic source material, and proved my professional knowledge of subjects related to my field of study through advanced vocabulary and images documenting my work experience.


June 2016


August 4, 2016


August 2016

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